This page contains a selection of library resources/databases links that were hand-picked by your personal librarian and all of these databases will contain research material on business management related topics. Depending on your topic you will find more results in some of the datbases while others will be less relevant. You will be able to narrow down the most relevant databases as you conduct searches.
How to find literature:
Comprehensive collection of more than 600 full-text online African journals from various disciplines. Includes business, finance, education, law, medicine, health, religion, science, technology, and social sciences. Also OA African Journals Archive.
Cross-database searching of all the Sabinet Discover databases using the new Sabinet Discover platform.
Cross-searching of all the available EBSCOhost databases
Cross-searching of all ProQuest databases.
Contains 35,000 articles from over 200 management journals, complete with full text archives back to volume 1 of each title. Covers the major management disciplines: strategy, leadership, information management, marketing & human resource management. Also includes full text ebooks and management case studies.
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
Full text books and journals published by Elsevier.
Access the world’s leading scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
Online journals, ebooks and major reference works published by Wiley, a leading academic publisher in all areas of sciences, humanities and the social sciences.
Academic peer-reviewed ebooks, ejournals, reference works and book series published by Springer Nature in all subject areas.
A unique and extensive index of diverse open access scholarly peer-reviewed journals from around the world. Includes South African and African journals.
Full text e-books from all major publishers covering subjects such as business, education, science, management, law, social sciences, health, economics and others.
Full text ebooks available on the EBSCOHost platform.
Collection of handbooks covering multiple subject areas. Each handbook contains in-depth, high-level articles by selected leading scholars and offers thorough introductions to topics and critical surveys of the current state of scholarship.
You'll need to sign in using your Unisa email account. Once you sign in, you'll have immediate access to the content, and you'll shortly receive an e-mail from Safari prompting you to set up a password and complete your account creation (recommended)..
Peer-reviewed academic ebooks published by Taylor & Francis in humanities, social sciences, technology, engineering, medicine, health sciences.
eBooks published by Wiley, a leading academic publisher in the subject areas: agriculture, art, business, economics, chemistry, computer science, environmental sciences, humanities, law, criminology, psychology, social & behavioral sciences, veterinary sciences.
Over 80,000 academic peer-reviewed ebooks available as open access.
Full text theses and dissertations published by Unisa authors in the Unisa Institutional Repository.
PQDT is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, offering millions of works from thousands of universities. Each year hundreds of thousands of works are added. Full-text coverage spans from 1743 to the present, with citation coverage dating back to 1637.
Click on the following links to find a list of titles available in the library.