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Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE): Completed research / theses / dissertations

This subject guide will assist you in finding information covering various aspects of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE)

Why completed dissertations and theses are useful

Completed dissertations and these are useful for identifying research opportunities and for generating reading lists as a point of departure on your research journey.

South African

Use the following resources to find completed research on various aspects of BBBEE.  Most of these resources are in full-text format.  Use various keyword combinations relating to BBBEE, for example:

  • Broad-based black economic empowerment
  • Black economic empowerment
  • Economic empowerment
  • Fronting and BEE
  • Tender* AND economic empowerment
  • Procurement AND economic empowerment

Also use your own keywords.  See the box below for links to selected completed theses.


 Use various keyword combinations relating to BBBEE.