New LexisNexis SA Law self-registration process implemented from 27 March 2024
From 27 March 2024, all Unisa clients that would like to use the LexisNexis SA products, that includes SA Law and Practical Guidance, needs to follow a process of self-registration to access the database online.
What is Self Registration?
Self-registration is an alternative way to access your LexisNexis online research subscriptions. These products include Lexis® Library, Lexis® Practical Guidance and Lexis® Assure.
The new registration process will provide each user with their own set of credentials and the freedom to access relevant subscriptions on desktop and mobile devices as and when needed.
How to register as a user
How long will the registration process take?
You only need to complete the registration process once. It takes 3-4 minutes to complete, depending on your internet connectivity.
Contact Library Support if you need help to access.