Below is a selection of library resources links that will contain research material on supply chain management. Depending on your topic you will find more results in some while others will be less relevant. You will be able to narrow down the most relevant databases as you conduct searches.
How to find information:
If you do not know how to search please go through this Library Guide: Formulate an Effective Search Strategy: Analyse your topic and identify your keywords
The Unisa Library contains a wealth of resources that can be used to find information to support research. The resources include, books, articles, theses and dissertations, reference works and e-newspapers.
The library subscribes to a discovery tool called Summon. It enables you to improve your discovery of academic resources by allowing you to search all our resources using one friendly interface.
Full text books and journals published by Elsevier.
Contains 35,000 articles from over 200 management journals, complete with full text archives back to volume 1 of each title. Covers the major management disciplines: strategy, leadership, information management, marketing & human resource management. Also includes full text ebooks and management case studies.
Academic peer-reviewed ebooks, ejournals, reference works and book series published by Springer Nature in all subject areas.
Comprehensive collection of more than 600 full-text online African journals from various disciplines. Includes business, finance, education, law, medicine, health, religion, science, technology, and social sciences. Also OA African Journals Archive.
Academic, peer-reviewed journals published by Sage.
Online journals, ebooks and major reference works published by Wiley, a leading academic publisher in all areas of sciences, humanities and the social sciences.
International database of over 5,000 ebooks and journals focusing on innovative research and technological advancements. IGI-Global covers core topics in Business and Management, Computer Science and Information Technology, Education, Environmental, Agricultural, and Physical Sciences, Government and Law, Library and Information Science, Media and Communications, Medical, Healthcare, and Life Sciences, Science and Engineering, Security and Forensics, Social Sciences and Humanities
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
Access the world’s leading scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
Full text e-books from all major publishers covering subjects such as business, education, science, management, law, social sciences, health, economics and others.
Academic peer-reviewed ebooks, ejournals, reference works and book series published by Springer Nature in all subject areas.
Full text ebooks available on the EBSCOHost platform.
You'll need to sign in using your Unisa email account. Once you sign in, you'll have immediate access to the content, and you'll shortly receive an e-mail from Safari prompting you to set up a password and complete your account creation (recommended)..
The e-publication finder can be used when you know the name of a publication. Enter the name of the journal, e-book etc. in the Title begins with search box and then click on Search.
The results will bring out the journal and in which databases it is held. This allows you to search the journal for more articles by using the relevant database. Otherwise just insert the the title of the article within the search within this publication search box to go directly to the article.
These databases provide access to case studies.
Books, handbooks, reference sources, business cases, in the social sciences.
A news clipping services collection comprising over 4,5 million articles. Covers mainstream publications in South Africa from 1977 to present day. Adds approximately 2500 news articles weekly, 3-6 weeks after the publication date.
Comprehensive encyclopedia in management covering digital technologies; ethics and governance-related issues; innovation; emerging markets; organizational networks; and new avenues of sustainable business growth
A multi-volume encyclopedia devoted to advancing the areas of operations research and management science.
Books, handbooks, reference sources, business cases, in the social sciences.
HSTalks provides access to world class lectures and case studies by leading experts from commerce, industry, the professions and academia, in one online resource - accessible wherever, whenever and as often as is wanted. Our subscribers include a wide range of universities, business schools and colleges throughout the world