The Unisa Library contains a wealth of resources that can be used to find information to support research. The resources include, books, articles, theses and dissertations, reference works and e-newspapers.
The library subscribes to a discovery tool called Summon. It enables you to improve your discovery of academic resources by allowing you to search all our resources using one friendly interface.
Full text articles and references to articles on particular topics may be found using the subject databases
Academic peer-reviewed ebooks, ejournals, reference works and book series published by Springer Nature in all subject areas.
The e-Publication finder can be used when you know the name of a publication. Enter the name of the journal, e-book etc in the Title begins with search box and then click on Search.
The results will bring out the journal and in which databases it is held. This allows you to search the journal for more articles by using the relevant database. Otherwise just insert the the title of the article within the search within this publication search box to go directly to the article.