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Art History & Visual Arts: Articles

art theory and practice


Most of the listed databases provide full text, but many also contain abstracts and bibliographic references.

If the full-text of the article is not available from the database, make a note of the bibliographic reference and then use Find e-journals to see if the journal that the article was published in is available in electronic format in one of our other databases. Should the journal not be available electronically, use the library catalogue to request the article.

Subject & Image databases

Full text articles, images and references to articles on particular topics may be found using the subject databases.

Use Google Scholar with settings adjustments for Unisa resources across all databases

Find eJournals

Search for the electronic format of journal titles by using the E-Journal Finder

  • Click on the E-Journal Finder link
  • Type the journal title in the text box
  • Select the appropriate publisher’s link
  • Select the required year, volume and issue
  • Select the required article from the table of contents

Click on the pdf icon for the full-text

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