Renewals may be done via library catalogue, telephone (+ 27 12 4294164) and at the lending desk.
Postgraduate students may loan 16 books.
Undergraduate students may loan 8 books.
Overdue books will be subject to a fine.
With coverage across all academic disciplines, Academic Complete offers a critical mass of more than 150,000 foundational scholarly ebooks in all major disciplines.
An award-winning engineering reference and teaching platform that delivers world-renowned, interdisciplinary engineering content integrated with analytical teaching and learning tools. Contains instructional videos, calculator tools, interactive graphs and tables, textbooks, commentaries and exam preparation tools.
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ASME is the premier professional organization for mechanical engineers worldwide. ASME publishes some of the most prestigious engineering content offering thousands of titles including journals, conference proceedings and ebooks.
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Full text online e-books and e-journals published by De Gruyter in subjects covering science, humanities, social sciences, technology, management and general interest.
Full text ebooks available on the EBSCOHost platform.
Comprehensive online civil engineering resource including journals and books back to 1836. Subjects include buildings and structures, coastal engineering, planning and urban engineering, energy, geology, transportation, water engineering and waste water management.
This database provides access to exclusive content from Engineers Australia (EA) and the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) as well as other publishers. Key subjects covered are: agricultural engineering, civil and construction engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, mining engineering and roads and transport engineering. Coverage is from 1920 and the database is updated daily.
Full-text journals published by the Institute of Physics.
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You'll need to sign in using your Unisa email account. Once you sign in, you'll have immediate access to the content, and you'll shortly receive an e-mail from Safari prompting you to set up a password and complete your account creation (recommended)..
Oxford Scholarship Online offers access to thousands of academic works from the celebrated scholarly list of Oxford University Press, covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law.
eBooks published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Books, handbooks, reference sources, business cases, in the social sciences.
Academic peer-reviewed ebooks, ejournals, reference works and book series published by Springer Nature in all subject areas.
Peer-reviewed academic ebooks published by Taylor & Francis in humanities, social sciences, technology, engineering, medicine, health sciences.
eBooks published by Wiley, a leading academic publisher in the subject areas: agriculture, art, business, economics, chemistry, computer science, environmental sciences, humanities, law, criminology, psychology, social & behavioral sciences, veterinary sciences.
Academic publisher publishing books and journals in the subjects economics, mathematics, chemistry, computer science, engineering, nano-technology, physics, social sciences.
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Database is available on campus only. Please contact your Personal Librarian if you are off-campus. Full text database with approximately 12 000 technical standards covering the procedures for testing and classification of materials of every sort.
An award-winning engineering reference and teaching platform that delivers world-renowned, interdisciplinary engineering content integrated with analytical teaching and learning tools. Contains instructional videos, calculator tools, interactive graphs and tables, textbooks, commentaries and exam preparation tools.