Google Scholar is useful for a quick overview of what has been written on a topic. For best results use the advanced search option and use keyword combinations or phrases. Locate articles which are not freely available by entering the title of the journal in the e- publications finder box.
The following are links to selected eJournals on the above should you wish to browse certain titles regularly. The list is alphabetical. You will be able to access these titles from your workstation irrespective of where you are.
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IMPORTANT NOTE: The latest articles are always displayed first.
Some titles may have 12 month embargo on the latest full text availability, usually for the current year only. Full text content is available for previous year as well as the earlier issues.
Please also suggest any titles which you wish to have included in this list and we will check on electronic availability.
These journals are free so no password is needed to access the articles. Please note that some of these journals may no be peer reviewed.