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MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses: Finding information on MOOCs

This LibGuide provides information relevant to various aspects covering MOOCs. Please also take a look at the LibGuide on Open Educational Resources


The following are links to pre-determined keyword searches and these are self-updating.  After clicking on each link, a list of articles will come up containing keywords covering the theme.  Not all the articles may be relevant.  Select those articles which you think are applicable to your approach to the topic.  Select the pdf option for downloading or email the pdf article to yourself  the email function.  When emailing, please ensure that the box next to “pdf as a separate attachment” is √

These links are from the Ebsco suite of databases.  Use similar keyword combinations to search the other databases. 


The following are selected eBook titles covering various aspects of MOOCs.

 Please click on each of the links below.

When the page opens go to Connect to : and click on the hyperlink. 

You will be prompted for your student number and myUnisa password.

Some titles allow you to download the pdf files chapter by chapter and other allow you to copy and paste.  Enjoy reading about MOOCs!

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When searching for books on the library catalogue you may use the drop down menu for title, author, keyword and subject searches. 

Suggested keywords:

  • MOOCs
  • MOOC
  • Massive online open course

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