The following videoclip is worth taking a look at as it also is relevant to school teachers and school librarians.
Finding and evaluating open educational resources
Videoclip - 53 minutes
Lisbeth Levey from the Commonwealth of Learning outlines her experience of what a good OER is. She gives a personal account of locating and using an OER suitable for supporting a postgraduate university course in agriculture within an African context. This will also be relevant to school teachers.
Before search for OER, you need to be clear on what you are looking for. What you find is very much dependent on your search term (keywords) and search engine / repository which you use.
Questions to ask before searching include:
Planning your search strategy
Before searching for OER on a particular site, search engine or repository, it is recommended that you register on the site so that you can get optimal benefit with regard to content. By registering you will get the advantages of:
Basic principles of using the main search screen on a search engine
•Before you start to search it is recommended that you see if you can register on the site
•Spend some time on the site so that you can see the various search filters you can use in order to find the content that you want
•It is recommended that you use the Advanced search option if provided
See the Tab - Selected Search Engines and Repositories for Teachers
Please see the following sites as a point of departure in finding suitable teaching resources for your school.
UnisaOpen's site Finding OER is also good option. Take time to browse through all the resources listed on this site this so that you are familiar with what each site can offer as well as the enormous variety of formats and types for your classroom.