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E-visibility: ORCID

This is a library guide which provides guidance in creating an online presence for researchers. The aim is to be e-visible and not invisible.

Benefits of creating a consolidated profile on ORCID

  • It gives one consolidated online research profile.
  • The research profile is accessible via a URL from ORCID. This is very useful for researchers applying for publishers authenticating authors and reviewers and for researchers applying for NRF rating, NRF grants and publishing for DHET subsidy purposes.
  • It allows access to the researcher's peer-reviewed scholarly publications which are accessible via a URL from ORCID.
  • It gives you as researcher the opportunity to include research outputs of your choice on your online ORCID profile.

ORCID Homepage

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier to researchers to distinguishes their research from other researchers. This is done through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between researchers and their professional activities ensuring that their research is recognized. 

Create an online profile on ORCID and link your research publications to your profile to become e-visible.