The Library can help with a literature search—a systematic and comprehensive search for published academic resources on your topic.
How to request a literature search:
Complete our online form or use the Unisa Student App (available on the Android Play Store and iStore). In the app, go to Library and select Literature Search Form.
Full text books and journals covering all aspects of US and international law. Includes over 1,000 journals and law reviews, case law, statutes and news from the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, European Union, Canada and Hong Kong.
Westlaw International is built on a vast global library of the world's best legal, news and business information and is designed to help you find information, fast. Case law, legislation, law reviews, treaties, directories and much more. Access content from providers such as Sweet & Maxwell, Sweet & Maxwell Asia, Ellis Publications, Carswell and Westlaw.
Countries covered include:
- Australia
- Canada
- European Union
- Hong Kong
- United Kingdom
- United States
The Advanced Searching option is available by clicking on Show Advanced Options on the searching screen of WestLaw.
For Terms and Connectors searching, use connectors to specify the relationships that must exist between the terms in your retrieved documents. For example,
"social host" /s liable /p injury /p intoxicated drunk /s guest & insurance
Click on the Connectors/Expanders link below the Search box to see a more complete listing of connectors. |
Expanders You can increase the power of a Terms and Connectors search by using appropriate expanders to the terms in your search.
The exclamation point (!) is the root expander. Place it after the root of a word and Westlaw will complete the root word with any extension. For example, drink! will retrieve drink, drinks, drinking, and drinkable. The asterisk (*) is the place holder: it takes the place of any letter. For example, dr*nk will retrieve drink, drank, and drunk. You can use more than one expander in a term: dr*nk! will retrieve drink, drank, drunk, drinking, drinkable, drunken, drunkard, etc. S****holder will retrieve both shareholder andstockholder. "social host" /s liab!/p injur! /p intoxicat! dr*nk! /s guest & insur! |
Adding Field or Date Restrictions You can restrict all or part of your Terms and Connectors query to a specific field, such as the digest field, and to a specific date or range of dates.
To add restrictions:
You can also use a restriction template. Click the Fields or Dates link and type the appropriate terms or dates in the text boxes, then click Add To Search. This is particularly useful when you are doing multiple field searches and need certain terms to appear in different fields, eg. ju(black) & at(white) & sy(affirm!). The template search automatically inserts the "&" between different fields.
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