
Ask a Librarian: Renewing Library Material

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What is a HOLD?

A HOLD means that the item requested is out on loan and has been placed on the Waiting List for the next person or persons who have requested that item. Holds are indicated on the Library Catalogue under STATUS, and the number of holds will also be indicated, e.g. 1 hold/ 2 holds. You may also see that the STATUS of an item is reflected as ON HOLDSHELF, which means the item has been returned and is about to be sent to the next Library user in the queue.

If you request an item that is on hold, expect a delay before it can be delivered to you.

What does it mean when a book is recalled?

A book is recalled before your loan period expires, or before you can renew your loan period, when another client needs it and there are no other available copies.

If you borrow a loose-leaf publication, it may be recalled early if a new supplement that updates the content has arrived and the loose-leaf publication needs the new pages to be inserted.

Remember that even if you have to return an item early, you can always request it again at a later stage.

Can I renew Library material?

You are allowed to renew the Library material that you have out on loan to keep it longer, under the condition that:

  • there is no waiting list (holds) for that item
  • you do not have overdue items or an outstanding amount owed on your loan record
  • you have not exceeded the number of times you may renew an item*
  • you have completed your final examination for the semester or year
  • your registration is about to expire

* Undergraduate students are allowed two renewals and postgraduate students are allowed three renewals.

How do I renew books and other material I have borrowed?

Library material may be renewed in a number of ways. Choose whichever method is the most convenient for you:

Telephonic renewals

Mon to Fri 07h45-16h00

+27 012 429 4164  OR  +27 011 471 3068/ 2933

After hours number

+27 012 429 3560

Have your student number and the details of the books at hand when you call.

Online renewals via the Library Catalogue

  • Visit the Unisa Library home page.
  • Click on Search the Catalogue, then go to My Library and myLibrary /Renewals /Login.
  • Enter your student number and myUnisa password and click on LOGIN.
  • Scroll down for a list of items that are out on loan to you. You can renew items individually by clicking in the box to the left of each book or item you wish to renew and then click on Renew Marked, or you can select Renew All.

Always check:

  • that the renewal was successful. If the renewal fails, the reason will be indicated, and you will need to return the book or item; and
  • note the new due date and make a printout as a reminder.