SAGE Research Methods Online is a database designed to support the research activities of both the novice and the seasoned researcher with the set of research tools common to all disciplines. The database brings together peer-reviewed full-text books, journal articles, handbooks, dictionaries, encyclopaedias and videos published by SAGE on:
It is a useful resource for both the researcher or supervisor of research, or for the teacher of research methods.
Click here for more information on the Sage Research Methods database
The Methods Map is designed to help you understand the relationships between method concepts.
The green circle in the middle shows the term being viewed. The definition of each term is shown at the top, along with a link to view content on that subject. To the left of the method are broader terms and to the right are narrower terms.
Clicking on a term makes that term the central method, displaying it in the green circle. Related terms that are not broader or narrower are shown below. Clicking on the broader, narrower or related term circles expands them to show all those methods.
The history of what terms you have recently viewed can be found at the bottom of the page.