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Copy of Current Awareness 2024: August

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What is current awareness

Current awareness is the term used to describe staying informed by keeping up to date with the latest publications, research and news in your field.

The perspective of current awareness is the present and the forthcoming, as opposed to the retrospective. 

Current awareness ranges from looking for information on specific topics on a regular basis (and this usually involves the assistance of your Personal Librarian to help you set up a search profile matched to your research interests) to embracing a wider, more general, and cross-disciplinary view that brings an element of serendipity into your search for the latest information.

Informally, researchers remain alert in all contexts for useful information and insights that will inform their daily practice, their research, and spark off innovative and creative ideas for new avenues of research.

Websites of the month

World Humanitarian Day

History of World Humanitarian Day

The designation of August 19th as World Humanitarian Day is the result of the tireless efforts of the Sérgio Vieira de Mello Foundation and his family, alongside ambassadors from France, Switzerland, Japan, and Brazil. This day honors the legacy of Sérgio Vieira de Mello and all humanitarian workers who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Sérgio Vieira de Mello dedicated over thirty years to serving in some of the most challenging humanitarian situations worldwide, advocating for the voiceless and alleviating the suffering of victims of armed conflicts. His death, along with 21 colleagues, in Baghdad on August 19, 2003, marked a significant loss for the humanitarian community. The Foundation continues his mission, promoting dialogue and peaceful reconciliation between divided communities and advocating for the safety and independence of humanitarian actors.

World Humanitarian Day and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Humanitarian work is integral to achieving several Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Goal 1: No Poverty: Providing emergency relief and long-term support helps alleviate poverty in crisis-affected regions.
  • Goal 2: Zero Hunger: Humanitarian aid ensures access to food and nutrition for those impacted by emergencies.
  • Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being: Delivering healthcare services and support to those affected by crises promotes well-being.
  • Goal 4: Quality Education: Supporting education initiatives in crisis zones ensures continuity of learning for children and youth.
  • Goal 5: Gender Equality: Addressing the specific needs of women and girls in humanitarian responses promotes gender equality.
  • Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: Humanitarian efforts contribute to peacebuilding and the establishment of strong institutions in post-conflict areas.

Read more


Database of the Month

Academic Search Ultimate 

This is a multi-disciplinary full text database containing full text for more than 4,600 journals, including nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. In addition to the full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 8,500 journals. This scholarly collection offers information in nearly every area of academic study including: computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, ethnic studies, and many more.


Unisa Open

The following sites on Unisa Open contains useful information for Unisa staff.

About the monthly awareness page

The year is marked with many special days, weeks, and months dedicated and devoted to raising awareness about important issues.

This monthly post, compiled by the Information Search Librarians Team, will note special dates and themes, and draw your attention to possibly interesting cross-disciplinary topical references intended to inform and to inspire ideas for research.

Selected noteworthy days in August

Why do we mark International Days?

International days and weeks are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool. We also mark other UN observances.

01 - 31 August: Women's Month

Every year, in August, South Africa celebrates Women's Month, to pay tribute to more than 20 000 women who marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956, in protest against the extension of Pass Laws to women. This year's Women's Month commemoration held under the theme: "Celebrating 30 years of Democracy Towards Women's Development" marks the 68th anniversary of the historic march.

01- 07 August: World breastfeeding week

World Breastfeeding Week is held in the first week of August every year, supported by WHO, UNICEG and many Ministries of Health and civil society partners.

09 August: International day of the worlds indigenous peoples

"This International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2024 is focusing on ‘Protecting the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact’. Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact are the best protectors of the forest. Where their collective rights to lands and territories are protected, the forests thrive, alongside their societies. And not only is their survival crucial to the protection of our planet, but it is crucial to the protection of cultural and linguistic diversity. In today’s hyper-connected world, the existence of Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact is a testament to the rich and complex tapestry of humanity, and it is a huge loss to our world if they cease to exist."

12 August: International Youth Day

"The Day gives an opportunity to celebrate and mainstream young peoples’ voices, actions, and initiatives, as well as their meaningful, universal, and equitable engagement. The UN General Assembly (UNGA) established the Day on 17 December 1999, after it endorsed the recommendation made by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth calling for 12 August to be declared International Youth Day."

19 August: World Humanitarian Day


"World Humanitarian Day 2024 takes place on 19th August and is dedicated to recognising humanitarian people and those who lost their lives working for humanitarian causes. The day also pays tribute to those who have sacrificed their time and risked their lives in order to support and deliver aid to people worldwide undergoing many humanitarian crises."

31 August: African Traditional Medicine Day

"Traditional African medicine is a holistic discipline involving the use of indigenous herbalism combined with aspects of African spirituality. About 80% of Africa's population relies on traditional medicine for their basic health needs. In some cases, traditional medicine is the only healthcare service available, accessible and affordable to many people on the continent. In this case the significant contribution of traditional medicine as a major provider of healthcare services in Africa cannot be underestimated."






In the media

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Catalytic niche areas

The university has identified ten (10) catalytic niches that will assist the institution in catalysing research, innovation and engaged scholarship These are as follows:

  • Marine studies,
  • Aviation and Aeronautical studies,
  • Automotive,
  • Energy,
  • Space study and Square Kilometer Array,
  • Fourth Industrial revolution and Digitalisation,
  • Natural Sciences (Biotechnological studies),
  • Health Studies/Medicine,
  • Feminist, Womanist, Bosadi Theorizations,
  • Student Support and Co-Curricular activities.


Click on the links below for information on student support and Co-Curricular activities.

((Pedagogy) OR ("learner support")) AND ("Co-curricular activities")

((Tutelage) OR ("Student support")) AND (University) 

("Co-curricular activities") AND (University) 

(("Co-curricular programs") OR ("academic curriculum"))

(("Co-curricular activities") OR ("leaner support"))

Golden oldie


2021, VOL. 36, NOS. 1–2, 42–58

Exploring the Relationship Between Student Success and Participation in Extracurricular Activities


In our research on university students from historically under-represented backgrounds who successfully graduate from their undergraduate degree program or are in their final year, we found that many who participated in out-of-class activities indicated those activities were important to their success. We take a strengths-based approach to focus on: (1) students who have reached their final year of study or have recently completed their undergraduate degrees, and (2) the potential relationships between student success and the different types of out-of-class activities in which students engage during their time at university. By focusing on strengths rather than deficits, we can learn how traditionally underrepresented students who are often considered “at-risk” of not attending university or completing their studies are successful in persisting to graduation. Using findings from 690 surveys and 27 one-to-one interviews, we explore the relationship between extracurricular and leisure activities on undergraduate university students’ success. Over one-third of our participants were involved in extra-curricular activities; the majority of these students felt those activities aided them in being successful. We explore what students tell us about how participation in out-of-class leisure activities influenced their academic success. Based on our findings, we recommend that universities encourage and support student clubs and activities as a way of creating community, while offering opportunities for the development of skills.


Source: The Journal of Developing Areas, Spring 2013, Vol. 47, No. 1 (Spring 2013), pp. 319-338



Looking for upcoming conferences?

If you are looking for forthcoming conferences, the following websites are helpful:


Should you wish to read Current Awareness guides of previous years, please visit the archive:
