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Accounting Sciences: Alerting Services

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Alerts: keeping up to date with scientific literature

An alert service is a type of user account in a database that automatically sends email notifications for new citations or tables of contents. The procedures for setting up these services vary among vendors, but generally operate in the same way.  Creating alerts will ensure that the e-resource / database sends you an e-mail alerting you of new literature which is based on your alert.

Alerts types

  • Search alerts are set up to provide automatic e-mail notification whenever new search results become available in a database.
  • Author citation alerts notify you when a document by one of your selected authors is cited.
  • Document (article) citation alerts notify you when one of your selected documents is cited.
  • ToC (Table of Contents) alerts notify you every time an issue of your desired journals is published, you can be informed of the table of contents or articles of these new issues via email.

Select a database to create a topic search or a citation alert. Library databases cover a comprehensive list of journals while publisher alerts are limited to a significantly fewer number of journals.
Create journal table of content alerts on publishers' sites. Publishers publish new journal issues before it is indexed in a database.

Not all databases or journals have an alert function.  Check the Help feature in the resource.

How to set up alerts from few selected databases