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Change Management: Articles

Provides relevant resources on change management and transformation.

Summon - The Unisa Library Discovery Tool

The Unisa Library contains a wealth of resources that can be used to find information to support research. The resources include, books, articles, theses and dissertations, reference works and e-newspapers.

The library subscribes to a discovery tool called Summon.  It enables you to improve your discovery of academic resources by allowing you to search all our resources using one friendly interface.

Video on using Summon

Google scholar

Google Scholar is useful for a quick overview of what has been written on a topic.  For best results use the advanced search option and use keyword combinations or phrases.   Locate articles which are not freely available by entering the title of the journal in the e- Publication Finder box.

Google Scholar Search

E-Publication Finder

The e-Publication finder can be used when you know the name of a publication. Enter the name of the journal, e-book etc. in the Title begins with search box and then click on Search.

The results will bring out the journal and in which databases it is held. This allows you to search the journal for more articles by using the relevant database. Otherwise just insert the the title of the article within the search within this publication search box to go directly to the article.

E-Publication Finder

Pre-determined keyword searches

 The following are links to pre-determined keyword searches and these are self-updating.  After clicking on each link, a list of articles will come up containing keywords covering the theme.  Not all the articles may be relevant.  Select those articles which you think are applicable to your approach to the topic.  Select the pdf option for downloading or email the pdf article to yourself  the email function.  When emailing, please ensure that the box next to “pdf as a separate attachment” is √

These links are from the EBSCO Databases.  Use similar keyword combinations to search the other databases. 

Relevant Subject Databases

 Full text articles and references to articles on particular topics may be found using the subject databases.  Possible keywords and keyword combinations may be:

organizational change

change management

organizational transformation

 Please see the box below Pre-determined keyword searches for further ideas on keyword combinations.