Plagiarism is considered to be academic dishonesty. Use a reference management software tool to cite other author's work.
If you need electronic access you can limit your search on the library catalogue to e-books.
Using the Unisa Library’s homepage to compile a literature list can be an overwhelming experience. Many resources are available and it is important to know what is appropriate for your research needs.
This training material will ensure that you:
•Have a broad overview of the resources the library has to offer
•Develop browse and search skills to ensure that you use the databases effectively
•Find relevant material on your topic
•Obtain your identified material
•Use RefWorks to build a personal database and be able to use it to create in-text citations and a bibliography in your preferred referencing style
•Stay up-to-date with the latest trends in your research
This guide provides information and tools for measuring the impact of research, focusing on the use of citation metrics. The sections of this guide identify various tools which track citations and provide help with journal rankings, accredited journal lists, the h-index and citation reports, etc.
The JCR provides journal intelligence that highlights the value and contribution of a journal through a rich array of transparent data, metrics and analysis. This analysis tool summarizes citations from the journals, books, and proceedings in the Web of Science Core Collection, which is a painstakingly selected, actively curated database of the sources that have been judged to be the most important and useful in their fields.
Books, handbooks, reference sources, business cases, in the social sciences.
SAGE Research Methods supports beginning and advanced researchers in every step of a research project, from writing a research question, choosing a method, gathering and analyzing data, to writing up and publishing the findings.
With information on the full range of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods for the social and behavioral sciences, as well as many methods commonly used in the hard sciences, the book, reference, and journal content in SAGE Research Methods help researchers of all levels conduct their research
Access the world’s leading scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.