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Library Internal control manual: Misconduct

The purpose of this manual is to give an overview of behavioural aspects that fall within the mandate of the Internal Control officers. It also indicates the alignment of the Library’s Internal Control activities with the activities of the University’


Incidents of client misconduct should be reported within one working day to the Supervisor: Internal Control and Recovery and depending on the seriousness of the case a fact finding committee should be assembled within two weeks.

Leaving the Library without material being issued.

Procedures to be followed with regard to clients leaving the Lbrary with  material not issued

  • The person who allegedly left the library with material not issued or misbehaving is requested to accompany the Internal Control Officer to a quiet place (office) or security offices
  • Protection staff is called to the scene if required or if client not cooperative
  • An Internal Control form must be completed by the Internal Control officer /Librarian on duty
  • The person must complete the form as well to give his/her own explanation of the incident.
  • The Internal Control Officer/Librarian and client must sign the form
  • Library material in question should be confiscated  and forwarded to the Executive Director: Library  services/ Branch librarian
  • A preliminary discussion meeting should be scheduled the next day in order to discuss the incident with the client and to make recommendations to the University Disciplinary Committee
  • The preliminary discussion group comprises of :
    • Muckleneuck Branch:
    • Manager: Housing
    • Supervisor: Internal Control
    • Building manager: Protection Services
    • Other branches and Regions:
    • Regional Director or assignee
    • Head: Branch Librarian
    • Building manager: Protection Services

NB: Witnesses may only be called in case there is a need for their explanation

Steps to follow :

  • Secretary should invite the person to the preliminary discussion in writing
  • Other stake holders should be diarised for the meeting
  • Make available the items in question together with all accompanying documents
  • The person must be informed of possible outcomes of the University Disciplinary Committee

Why a preliminary discussion?

  • To determine the extend of the damage to the material in question and possible motives for damaging the material or behaviour
  • To determine whether there is a case to be referred to the University Disciplinary committee

Misbehaviour of Library Clients

Internal control measures are taken with regard to matters stipulated in the Unisa Library Code of Conduct 

The following procedure applies when finding a person misbehaving in the Library:

  • In the case of a first offence, inform/educate the relevant user about the inappropriate behaviour eg. noise, loitering, littering, eating and drinking
  • A verbal warning is given to a person at two respective occasions of misconduct – record  of the incidents must be kept on the loan record (note field)
  • A letter is sent to the relevant client after the second warning  to explain the seriousness of the person’s misconduct and to draw the person’s attention to the relevant part in Your service guide @Unisa
  • Final warning is issued upon a 3rd offence.  An IRD Internal Control form must be completed by the Internal Control officer / Head of Branch library or assignee.  The form is forwarded to the Supervisor: Internal Control in the case of the Muckleneuk Library and to the Head of Library in the case of Branch Libraries
  • A note regarding the incident must be placed on the user’s loan record
  • The matter is referred to the IRD/ Protection services Preliminary Discussion Committee meeting in order to discuss the incident with the client and to make recommendations to the University Disciplinary committee.

In the case of the Muckleneuk Library the Library is represented by the Director: IRD or the Manager: Housing and the Supervisor: Internal Control and the Building Manager (Protection services): Anton Lembede Building or assignee.

In the case of the Regional Libraries the Library is represented by the Head of Library and relevant staff and the Regional Director or assignee and relevant Protection services staff. Witnesses may be called if required.

Defacing/vandalising of library material

  • Due to the seriousness of this matter,  the case should immediately be referred to the Supervisor: Internal control  or Head : Branch library and relevant Protection services staff for the necessary action to be taken
  • An IRD Internal Control form should be completed by Supervisor/Head: Branch
  • The form should be forwarded to the Supervisor: Internal Control 
  • The matter is referred to the IRD/ Protection services Preliminary Discussion Committee meeting in order to discuss the incident with the client and to make recommendations to the University Disciplinary committee

In the case of the Muckleneuk Library the Library is represented by the Director: IRD or the Manager: Housing and the Supervisor: Internal Control and the Building Manager (Protection services): Anton Lembede Building or assignee.

In the case of the Regional Libraries the Library is represented by the Head of Library and relevant staff and the Regional Director or assignee and relevant Protection services staff. Witnesses may be called if required.

Misbehaviour/ theft of library material at Regional Libraries

The procedures to be followed at Regional Libraries in the case of misbehaviour or theft of library material :

  • The Regional Head of the Branch library should ensure that the standardised form be completed should there be a case of theft or misbehaviour
  • The Regional Office should institute a Fact Finding committee consisting of the Regional Head of the Branch library, Regional Director, Two senior managers, Security personnel and SRC (in case of a student) to meet with the relevant client and ensure during this meeting that details captured on the form were correctly captured at the time of the incident. This Committee must finalize their mandate within one month of alleged transgression.
  • The Regional Office should not make any decision to warn or prosecute.
  • The Regional Office  to submit a report explain the incident and additional information gathered at the Fact Finding meeting to the Manager: Student Disciplinary Matters,  with proof of evidence.(e.g. the book tampered with and all relevant completed forms at the time of the incident, affidavits taken by Security).
  • The Manager: Student Disciplinary Matters will make a recommendation to the University Registrar regarding the case, who will institute disciplinary action or warning. The client will be informed via the Manager: Student Disciplinary Matters office of the charge laid against him/her and date of University Disciplinary Committee hearing to be held in Pretoria.
  • Students are invited to attend the hearing in Pretoria. Should they not be able to attend hearing they may submit an affidavit explaining what has happened or follow their rights as set out in the Disciplinary Code for Students. Travelling will be at their own cost.
  • In case of a Student Disciplinary Committee meeting, Regional staff do not need to attend the hearing.
  • The Manager: Student Disciplinary Matters will represent the library staff at the hearing.