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Library Internal control manual: Home

The purpose of this manual is to give an overview of behavioural aspects that fall within the mandate of the Internal Control officers. It also indicates the alignment of the Library’s Internal Control activities with the activities of the University’

Code of conduct

  • The Library has a security system which detects any library material which has not been issued. Any attempts to remove non-issued Library material may lead to the suspension of library membership and possible further disciplinary measures, which may include charge of theft and cancellation of University registration.
  • The Library requests that users of the Library take care of their personal property, since the University cannot be held responsible for loss, theft or damage of private property.
  • Students bring in their own computers into the Library at their own risk.
  • We regret that computer equipment is not available for private use by students or for the writing of assignments.
  • Eating, drinking and smoking are not permitted in the Library.
  • Please do not reserve seats for friends by placing books and bags on study tables and chairs.
  • Due to the high demand for workstations, and out of respect for all Library users, we regret that workstations, PCs and study tables may not be reserved or used for extended periods (permission to exceed the standard time limit is determined by the number of clients waiting).Workstations, PCs and study tables that are vacant for longer than 30 minutes will be treated as available for the next client.
  • Students may not conduct business in the Library.
  • As cell phones are disturbing to people studying and doing research, please do not use them in the Library.
  • Student notices and posters may only be placed on notice boards specifically supplied for this purpose. Enquiries may be made at the Lending Desk.
  • Students are requested not to panic when the sirens go off in the Library, but to gather their belongings and calmly evacuate the Library via the staircase. The lifts may not be used.
  • Please support our "Quiet Library Campaign" in order not to disturb other users of the Library.

Access to Library resources via OpenAthens

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance access to online resources, we are in the process of implementing OpenAthens. While "UNISA" may currently appear as an option under the "Login through your organization" section on certain platforms, please be aware that OpenAthens has not yet been fully activated for UNISA.

In the meantime, we request that you continue accessing resources via the official Unisa website to ensure seamless access. Logging in directly through OpenAthens will result in an unsuccessful login.

For any inquiries or assistance, please send an e-mail to

We appreciate your patience and will notify you once the implementation is complete.”