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Research Data Management
Acknowledgements & Sources Consulted
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Research Data Management: Acknowledgements & Sources Consulted
This library guide outlines the basics of data management and creating a data management plan.
RDM Policies / Strategies & Legislation
Research Ethics
RDM Lifecycle
Data Management and the Data Plan
Metadata and Data Documentation
Data Repositories
Citing Data
Data Protection,Security, Storage & Backup
Data Sharing & Publishing
Data Preservation & Disposal
Data Ownership & Privacy
Open Scholarly Communication
Open Science
Digital Scholarship
Training courses & Webinars
Acknowledgements & Sources Consulted
Contact Details
The assistance of the following is gratefully acknowledged:
Fellow-colleagues on the Unisa Library’s RDM Workgroup
Ms Lynn Woolfrey - RDM initiatives at
Presentations by and conversation with Sarah Jones and Joy Davidson from the Digital Curation Centre (DCC), UK, during the
NeDICC Research Data Management Workshop, CSIR, Pretoria, 11 August 2015
Sources consulted
Auckland, M. 2012.
Reskilling for research: an investigation into the roles and skills of subject and liaison librarians to effectively support the evolving needs of researchers.
Research Libraries UK.
Guy,M. 2012
Supporting libraries in leading the way in research data management
Herrema, A. 2014.
Publications and data
. Cartoons at the 4th Plenary meeting of the Research Data Alliance.
Johnstone, M. 2011.
Data cake
National Research Foundation (NRF). 2015.
NRF statement on open access to research publications
Rice, R. 2014.
University of Edinburgh. Research Data Management Group Action Blog.
Schwamm, H. & Khokhar, M. 2014.
Introduction to Research Data Management at Lancaster University
Seago, A. 2014.
data service: new guidelines for data depositors
Webster, K. 2015.
Library data management services a strategic framework for development and implementation
The extensive range of resources available on the following websites:
Digital Curation Centre (DCC)
MANTRA – Research Data Management
UK Data Archive
University of Bristol – Research Data
Digital Preservation Coalition
Australian National Data Service
South African Data Archive (
The following LibGuides:
Boston University Libraries - Research Data Management
Curtin University – Australia
New York University (NYU)
University of Pretoria - Research Data Management
Yale University
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