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Selecting a Quality Journal: Predatory Publishing Bibliography

Predatory Publishing Reading list


Adnan, A., Anwar, S., Zia, T., Razzaq, S., Maqbool, F., & Rehman, Z. U. (2018). Beyond Beall’s Blacklist: Automatic Detection of Open Access Predatory Research Journals. 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 4th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS) (pp. 1692–1697). Retrieved from

Aguzzi, A. (2019). ‘Broken access’ publishing corrodes quality. Nature, 570(7760), 139–139. Retrieved from

Ajuwon, G. A., & Ajuwon, A. J. (2018). Predatory publishing and the dilemma of the Nigerian academic. African Journal of Biomedical Research, 21(1), 1–5. Retrieved from

Al-Khatib, A. (2016). Protecting Authors from Predatory Journals and Publishers. Publishing Research Quarterly, 32(4), 281–285. Retrieved from

Al-Khatib, A., & Teixeira da Silva, J. A. (2017). Threats to the Survival of the Author-Pays-Journal to Publish Model. Publishing Research Quarterly, 33(1), 64–70. Retrieved from

Allen, M. (2018). Beware the Predatory Journal: It’s Not Just Fieldwork That Is Dangerous. SAA Archaeological Record, (May). Retrieved from,%22view%22:%22articleBrowser%22,%22article_id%22:%223089134%22%7D

Allman, D. (2019). Pseudo or perish: problematizing the ‘predatory’ in global health publishing. Critical Public Health, 29(4), 413–423. Retrieved from

Almutairi, A. F., & Salam, M. (2017). A snapshot of current medical research: The notion of supply and demand. Curr Pediatr Res, 21(4), 546–547. Retrieved from

Alrawadieh, Z. (2018). Publishing in predatory tourism and hospitality journals: Mapping the academic market and identifying response strategies. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1–10. Retrieved from

AlRyalat, S. A., Farah, R. I., Shehadeh, B., Abukeshek, A., Aldabbas, L., Al-fawair, A., & Ababneh, O. (2019). Biomedical researchers and students knowledge about predatory journals. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45(5), 102056. Retrieved from

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Andoohgin Shahri, M., Jazi, M. D., Borchardt, G., & Dadkhah, M. (2017). Detecting Hijacked Journals by Using Classification Algorithms. Science and Engineering Ethics, 1–14. Springer Netherlands. Retrieved from

Aponte, J. (2018). Predatory Publishing and Organizers: What Scholars in Academia need to know. Hispanic Health Care International, 16(2), 54–55. Retrieved from

Asadi, A. (2018). Invitation to Speak at a Conference: The Tempting Technique Adopted by Predatory Conferences’ Organizers. Science and Engineering Ethics, 1–5. Retrieved from

Asadi, A., Rahbar, N., Asadi, M., Asadi, F., & Khalili Paji, K. (2017). Online-Based Approaches to Identify Real Journals and Publishers from Hijacked Ones. Science and Engineering Ethics, 23(1), 305–308. Retrieved from

Atiso, K., Kammer, J., & Bossaller, J. (2019). Predatory publishing and the Ghana experience: A call to action for information professionals. IFLA Journal, 1–12. Retrieved from

Ayeni, P. O., & Adetoro, N. (2017). Growth of predatory open access journals: implication for quality assurance in library and information science research. Library Hi Tech News, 34(1), 17–22. Retrieved from

Babor, T. F., & Ward, J. H. (2018). Caveat emptor: Predatory publishers, rogue journals, and the potential corruption of addiction science. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 79(4), 509–513. Retrieved from

Bagues, M., Sylos-Labini, M., & Zinovyeva, N. (2019). A walk on the wild side: ‘Predatory’ journals and information asymmetries in scientific evaluations. Research Policy, 48(2), 462–477. Retrieved from

Baker, E. F., Iserson, K. V., Aswegan, A. L., Larkin, G. L., Derse, A. R., & Kraus, C. K. (2019). Open Access Medical Journals. Academic Medicine, 94(5), 634–639. Retrieved from

Balehegn, M. (2017). Increased Publication in Predatory Journals by Developing Countries’ Institutions: What It Entails? And What Can Be Done? International Information and Library Review, 49(2), 97–100. Retrieved from

Barroga, E. (2015). Predatory publishing practices corrode the credibility of science. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 30(10), 1535–1536. Retrieved from

Bartholomew, R. E. (2014). Science for sale: the rise of predatory journals. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 107(10), 384–385. Retrieved from

Beall, J. (2013a). Criteria for Determining Predatory Open-Access Publishers. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 53(9), 1689–1699. Retrieved from

Beall, J. (2013b). The open-access movement is not really about open access. TripleC, 11(2), 589–597. Retrieved from

Beall, J. (2013c). Five Predatory Mega-Journals: A Review. The Charleston Advisor, 14(4), 20–25. Retrieved from

Beall, J. (2013d). Predatory publishing is just one of the consequences of gold open access. Learned Publishing, 26(2), 79–84. Retrieved from

Beall, J. (2015a). The “Metric” System: Yet More Chaos in Scholarly Publishing. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6(11), 2020–2021. Retrieved from

Beall, J. (2015b). Predatory journals and the breakdown of research cultures. Information Development, 31(5), 473–476. Retrieved from

Beall, J. (2016a). Best practices for scholarly authors in the age of predatory journals. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 98(2), 77–79. Retrieved from

Beall, J. (2016b). Dangerous predatory publishers threaten medical research. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 31(10), 1511–1513. Retrieved from

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Beall, J. (2016d). Medical publishing and the threat of predatory journals. International Journal of Women’s Dermatology, 2(4), 115–116. Retrieved from

Beall, J. (2016e). Essential Information about Predatory Publishers and Journals. International Higher Education, 86, 2–3. Retrieved from

Beall, J. (2017a). Predatory journals, peer review, and education research. New Horizons in Adult Education & Human Resource Development, 29(1), 54–58. Retrieved from

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Bell, K. (2017). ‘Predatory’’ open access journals as parody: Exposing the limitations of “legitimate’’ academic publishing.”’ TripleC, 15(2), 651–662. Retrieved from

Beninger, P. G., Beall, J., & Shumway, S. E. (2016). Debasing the Currency of Science: The Growing Menace of Predatory Open Access Journals. Journal of Shellfish Research, 35(1), 1–5. Retrieved from

Berger, M. (2017). Everything You Ever Wanted To Know about predatory publishing But Were Afraid to Ask. ACRL (pp. 206–217). Retrieved from

Berger, M., & Cirasella, J. (2015). Beyond Beall’s List Better understanding predatory publishers. College & Research Libraries News, 76(3), 132–135. Retrieved from

Beshyah, S. (2018). Awareness of Predatory Journals among Physicians from Africa and the Middle East: An Exploratory Survey. Ibnosina Journal of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, 10(4), 136–139. Retrieved from

Beshyah, S. A. (2017). Predatory Publishing: A Wake-up Call for Editors and Authors in the Middle East and Africa. Ibnosina Journal of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, 9(5), 123–125. Retrieved from

Betz, C. L. (2016). Authors Beware: Open Access Predatory Journals. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 31(3), 233–234. Elsevier Inc. Retrieved from

Bisaccio, M. (2018). Cabells’ Journal Whitelist and Blacklist: Intelligent data for informed journal evaluations. Learned Publishing, 31(3), 243–248. Retrieved from

Björk, B.-C. (2015). Have the “mega-journals” reached the limits to growth? PeerJ, 3, e981. Retrieved from

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Björk, B. C., & Solomon, D. (2015). Article processing charges in OA journals: relationship between price and quality. Scientometrics, 103(2), 373–385. Retrieved from

Bohannon, J. (2013). Who’s Afraid of Peer Review? Science, 342(6154), 60–65. Retrieved from

Bohannon, J. (2015). How to hijack a journal. Science, 350(6263), 903–905. Retrieved from

Bolshete, P. (2018). Analysis of thirteen predatory publishers: a trap for eager-to-publish researchers. Current Medical Research and Opinion, 34(1), 157–162. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved from

Bornemann, E. (2013). Exposing predatory publishers. Information Today, 30(6), 13. Retrieved from

Bourgault, A. M. (2019). Predatory Journals: A Potential Threat to Nursing Practice and Science. Critical Care Nurse, 39(4), 9–11. Retrieved from

Bowman, D. E., & Wallace, M. B. (2018). Predatory journals: a serious complication in the scholarly publishing landscape. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 87(1), 273–274. Retrieved from

Bowman, J. D. (2014). Predatory Publishing, Questionable Peer Review, and Fraudulent Conferences. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 78(10), 1–6. Retrieved from

Bowman, M. A., Saultz, J. W., & Phillips, W. R. (2018). Beware of Predatory Journals: A Caution from Editors of Three Family Medicine Journals. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 31(5), 671–676. Retrieved from

Braverman, M. T. (2018). The Evolving Landscape of Academic Publishing: Essential Knowledge for Extension Scholars. Journal of Extension, 56(3). Retrieved from

Broome, M. E. (2017). Predatory publishing is everyone’s concern. Nursing Outlook, 65(6), 667–668. Retrieved from

Bucchi, M. (2017). Credibility, expertise and the challenges of science communication 2.0. Public Understanding of Science, 26(8), 890–893. Retrieved from

Butler-Adam, J. (2014). Dealing with ‘open access’’ demons.’ South African Journal of Science, 110(5/6), 1. Retrieved from‘open-access’-demons/john-butler-adam

Butler, D. (2013). The Dark Side of Publishing. Nature, 495(3), 433–435. Retrieved from

Byard, R. W. (2016). The forensic implications of predatory publishing. Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, 12(4), 391–393. Retrieved from

Camacho, M., & Reckley, L. K. (2018). Predatory journals: Enough is enough. The Laryngoscope, 128(7), 1510–1510. Retrieved from

Cappell, M. S. (2015). List predatory journal publications separately from genuine scholarly publications as standard for CVs. BMJ, 350(may14 11), h2470--h2470. Retrieved from

Chambers, A. H. (2019). How I became easy prey. Science, 364(6440), 602–602. Retrieved from

Chandrakumar, A., ‘t Jong, G. W., & Klassen, T. P. (2018). The Role of Mainstream Publishers in Eliminating the Threat of Predatory Publishing. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 42(5), 457–458. Retrieved from

Christopher, M. M., & Young, K. M. (2015). Awareness of “Predatory” Open-Access Journals among Prospective Veterinary and Medical Authors Attending Scientific Writing Workshops. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2(August), 1–11. Retrieved from

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Clements, J. C., Daigle, R. M., & Froehlich, H. E. (2018). Predator in the Pool? A Quantitative Evaluation of Non-indexed Open Access Journals in Aquaculture Research. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5(March), 1–14. Retrieved from

Clemons, M., de Costa e Silva, M., Joy, A. A., Cobey, K. D., Mazzarello, S., Stober, C., & Hutton, B. (2017). Predatory Invitations from Journals: More Than Just a Nuisance? The Oncologist, 22(2), 236–240. Retrieved from

Cobey, K. D., Grudniewicz, A., Lalu, M. M., Rice, D. B., Raffoul, H., & Moher, D. (2019). Knowledge and motivations of researchers publishing in presumed predatory journals: A survey. BMJ Open, 9(3), 1–9. Retrieved from

Cobey, K. D., Lalu, M. M., Skidmore, B., Ahmadzai, N., Grudniewicz, A., & Moher, D. (2018). What is a predatory journal? A scoping review. F1000Research, 7(2), 1001. Retrieved from

Cohen, A. J., Patino, G., Kamal, P., Ndoye, M., Tresh, A., Mena, J., Butler, C., et al. (2019). Perspectives From Authors and Editors in the Biomedical Disciplines on Predatory Journals: Survey Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(8), e13769. Retrieved from

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Cordeiro, Y. (2017). Publish and perish in the hands of predatory journals. Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, 89(2), 787–788. Retrieved from

Cortegiani, A., Longhini, F., Sanfilippo, F., Raineri, S. M., Gregoretti, C., & Giarratano, A. (2019). Predatory open-access publishing in anesthesiology. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 128(1), 182–187. Retrieved from

Cortegiani, A., Sanfilippo, F., Tramarin, J., & Giarratano, A. (2019). Predatory open-access publishing in critical care medicine. Journal of Critical Care, 50, 247–249. Retrieved from

Cortegiani, A., & Shafer, S. L. (2018). “Think. Check. Submit.” to avoid predatory publishing. Critical Care, 22(1), 300. Retrieved from

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Predatory Publishing Reading list


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