Print resources on the reference shelves have to be consulted in the library.
Copies of chapters or entries can be made in the photocopy section on level 4 of the library.
The Encyclopedia of Finance is a comprehensive source in the field of Finance including terminology, research, theory and definitions.
Books, handbooks, reference sources, business cases, in the social sciences.
Sage Knowledge includes a wide range of eBook and eReference content and allows researchers to cross-search and seamlessly access the content
Comprehensive encyclopedia in management covering digital technologies; ethics and governance-related issues; innovation; emerging markets; organizational networks; and new avenues of sustainable business growth
Contains quality reference resources including handbooks, dictionaries, guides and companions in the fields of Business, Finance and Management
Consists of over 2,000 chapters written by leading figures, including many Nobel Price winners, in the field of economics, marketing and related areas. Updated regularly.
The Palgrave Dictionary of Economics offers access to articles with cross-referenced links between content and the database is updated quarterly