This page offers access to a range of relevant articles to assist you with preparing your essay required with an application to the master’s and doctoral studies within the Sustainable Development research focus area. All these items are open access.
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Adu, D. A. 2022. Sustainable banking initiatives, environmental disclosure and financial performance: The moderating impact of corporate governance mechanisms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(5), 2365-2399.
Alo, O. & Arslan, A. 2023. Meta-organizations and environmental sustainability: an overview in African context, International studies of management & organization, 53(2): 63-76.
Andrade, C.R.D. and Gonçalo, C.R. 2021. Digital transformation by enabling strategic capabilities in the context of “BRICS", Revista de Gestão, 28(4): 297-315.
Aregbeshola, RA, Radebe, NS. 2012. The impact of corporate social responsibility on the profitability of listed retailers: indications from the Johannesburg Security Exchange. African journal of business management, 6(4): 1694-1701.
Burksiene, V., & Dvorak, J. 2022. E-coDmmunication of ENGO's for measurable improvements for sustainability. Administrative Sciences, 12(2):70.
Chaudhuri, R., Chatterjee, S., Kraus, S., & Vrontis, D. 2023. Assessing the AI-CRM technology capability for sustaining family businesses in times of crisis: The moderating role of strategic intent. Journal of Family Business Management, 13(1):46-67.
Cicchiello, A.F., Fellegara, A.M., Kazemikhasragh, A. and Monferrà, S. 2021. Gender diversity on corporate boards: How Asian and African women contribute on sustainability reporting activity, Gender in Management, 36(7): 801-820.
Dosumu, O. & Aigbavboa, C. 2021. Drivers and effects of sustainable construction in the South African construction industry. Acta Structilia, 28(2): 78-107.
Ebekozien, A., Aigbavboa, C., & Samsurijan, M. S. 2023. Social sustainability under threat: A case of two collapsed buildings in Lagos, Nigeria. Property Management.
Eccles, NS, Pillay V & De Jongh. 2009. Correlates of corporate accountability among South Africa's largest listed companies. Southern African Business Review, 13(1):21-38.
Johnson, R., Erasmus, P. D., & Mans-Kemp, N. 2019. Assessing the business case for environmental, social and corporate governance practices in South Africa. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 22(1):1-13.
Kolade, O., Atiase, V., Murithi, W. & Mwila, N. 2021, The business models of tech hubs in Africa: implications for viability and sustainability, Technology analysis & strategic management, 33(10):1213-1225.
Khubana, T., Rootman, C., & Smith, E. E. 2022. How to create shared value in mining organisations. South African Journal of Business Management, 53(1): e1-e12.
Lakhani, L., & Herbert, S. L. 2022. Theoretical frameworks applied in integrated reporting and sustainability reporting research. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 25(1): 1-12.
Le Roux, C. & Pretorius, M., 2016. Conceptualizing the Limiting Issues Inhibiting Sustainability Embeddedness. Sustainability, 8(4): 364.
Le Roux, C. & Pretorius, M., 2016. Navigating Sustainability Embeddedness in Management Decision-Making. Sustainability, 8(5): 444
Macgregor, R.K., Sroka, W. & Pelikanova, R.M. 2020. The CSR Perception of Frontline Employees of Luxury Fashion Businesse, Organizacija, 53(3): 198-211.
Mate, D., Novotny, A., & Kovacs, S. 2022. Deep ranking analysis by power eigenvectors (DRAPE): Linking sustainability and national competitiveness. Journal of Competitiveness, 14(1): 80-99.
Maroun, W., Ecim, D., & Cerbone, D. 2022. Refining integrated thinking. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 14(7): 1-25.
Nambiar, P. & Chitty, N. 2014. Meaning Making by Managers: Corporate Discourse on Environment and Sustainability in India. Journal of Business Ethics, 123, 493–511.
Nealer, E & Naude, M. 2011. Integrated co-operative governance in the context of sustainable development. TD:The journal of transdisciplinary research in Southern Africa, 7(1):105-118
Nhamo, S & Nhamo, G. 2014. Mainstreaming green economy into sustainable development policy frameworks in SADC. Environmental Economics, 5(2): 55-65.
Nwoba, A.C., Boso, N. & Robson, M.J. 2021. Corporate sustainability strategies in institutional adversity: Antecedent, outcome, and contingency effects, Business strategy and the environment, 30(2):787-807.
Ogunyemi, K., Atanya, O., & Burgal, V. 2022. Non-financial reporting regulation and the State of Sustainability disclosure among banks in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): A literature review on banks in Ghana and Nigeria. Management and Leadership for a sustainable Africa, 3: 55-72.
Pigatto, G., Cinquini, L., Tenucci, A. and Dumay, J. 2023. Disclosing value creation in integrated reports according to the six capitals: a holistic approach for a holistic instrument, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 14(7): 90-123.
Scuotto, V. (et al). 2022. Responsible I(m)ovation in asia pacific regions. Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
Zulu, S. L. (et al). 2022. Drivers and barriers to sustainability practices in the Zambian construction industry. International Journal of Construction Management, (ahead-of-print): 1-10.