Many of the databases contains a combination of full-text and bibliographic references.
If the full-text of the article is not available from the database, make a printout of the bibliographic references and then use 'Find e-journals' to see if the journal that the article was published in is available in electronic format in one of our other databases.
Should the journal not be available electronically use the library catalogue to request the artice.
Full text articles and references to articles on particular topics may be found using the subject databases. It is useful to sign up when accessing a database. Member sign up is free and activates the save and alerting tools.
The Gender Watch encompasses more than three decades of gender studies, with archival material dating back to 1970.It is providing authoritative historical and current perspectives on the evolution of gender roles as they affect both men and women. GenderWatch supports gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) studies; family studies; gender studies, and women's studies with a unique interdisciplinary approach. Topics covered are sexuality, religion, societal roles, feminism, masculinity, eating disorders, day care, and the workplace.
Contains 35,000 articles from over 200 management journals, complete with full text archives back to volume 1 of each title. Covers the major management disciplines: strategy, leadership, information management, marketing & human resource management. Also includes full text ebooks and management case studies.
Quality, peer-reviewed academic journals published by Taylor & Francis and Routledge.
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