Many of the databases contains a combination of full-text and bibliographic references.
If the full-text of the article is not available from the database, make a printout of the bibliographic references and then use 'Find e-journals' to see if the journal that the article was published in is available in electronic format in one of our other databases.
Should the journal not be available electronically use the library catalogue to request the article.
Below are links to selected eJournals covering various aspects of finance, banking and related fields. You will consult these titles as you would consult a print journal.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The latest articles are always displayed first.
PLEASE NOTE EMBARGOES ON FULL TEXT: Some titles may have 12 month embargo on the latest full text availability, usually for the current year only. Full text content is available for previous year as well as the earlier issues.
Not finding a particular eJournal title? Please use the Unisa Library
Full text articles and references to articles on particular topics may be found using the subject databases.
Provides full text journals in all disciplines of Business and Management including Finance, Banking and Risk Management
The following are links to pre-determined searches. After clicking on the link, a list of articles will come up containing subject terms/keywords covering the theme. Not all the articles may be relevant. Select those articles you think may be relevant to your topic and download them by selecting the pdf option.
The searches have been conducted using the Ebscohost suite of databases relevant to the subject of Banking, Finance and Risk Management