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Creativity and Innovation in Business including Corporate Entrepreneurship: Theses and Dissertations

This LibGuide will help you to explore creativity & innovation in business. It also includes technological innovation and aspects of corporate entrepreneurship. Themes such as creative destruction and disruptive innovation are also covered.

Why completed dissertations and theses are useful

Completed dissertations and these are useful for identifying research opportunities and for generating reading lists as a point of departure on your research journey.


Dissertations are useful for identifying research opportunities.

Very useful for generating reading lists.

South African

Use the following resources to find completed research on various aspects of this topic. Most of these resources are in full-text format.  Use various keyword combinations relating to the topic, for example:

  • creativity AND business
  • technological innovation
  • innovation management


 Use various keyword combinations relating to the topic, for example:

  • technological innovatiion
  • innovation AND business
  • organizational creativity
  • corporate entrepreneurship