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Current awareness is the term used to describe staying informed by keeping up to date with the latest publications, research and news in your field.
The perspective of current awareness is the present and the forthcoming, as opposed to the retrospective.
Current awareness ranges from looking for information on specific topics on a regular basis (and this usually involves the assistance of your Personal Librarian to help you set up a search profile matched to your research interests) to embracing a wider, more general, and cross-disciplinary view that brings an element of serendipity into your search for the latest information.
Informally, researchers remain alert in all contexts for useful information and insights that will inform their daily practice, their research, and spark off innovative and creative ideas for new avenues of research.
Website of the month
January's websites of the month are:
The IRR is a classically liberal think-tank promoting the ideas and policy solutions necessary to drive the investment and economic growth that will free South Africa’s people from unemployment, dependency, and poverty.
Ideas are the most powerful influence on any society. Apartheid policy was, for example, only abandoned after its dominant idea of racial separateness was undermined. In the very same way South African policy makers need new ideas with which to promote the investment and economic activity that will draw poor people into jobs and build a more prosperous South Africa.
In delivering on its mandate, SAWS has set itself the following vision:
“A weather and climate centre of excellence providing innovative solutions to ensure a weather ready-region, sustainable development and economic growth.”
The year is marked with many special days, weeks, and months dedicated and devoted to raising awareness about important issues.
This monthly post, compiled by the Information Search Librarians Team, will note special dates and themes, and draw your attention to possibly interesting cross-disciplinary topical references intended to inform and to inspire ideas for research.
Selected Noteworthy Days in January 2016:
1 Jan New Year"s Day
20 - 23 Jan World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
27 Jan National Police Day 2016
27 Jan The International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust
31 Jan World Leprosy Day 2016
South Africa Extreme Weather Facts - http://www.southafrica.info/about/
South Africa weather extremes are recorded in various places. Here are just some of the most interesting weather facts:
Average temperatures in South Africa in Celcius - http://www.southafrica.info/about/
An unwanted guest: El Niño and Africa in 2016 - IRIN
Government to provide a further R32 million for drought relief - Sabc News
Double standards and racism deepen in South Africa - Mail & Guardian
We will blacklist non-paying students - NSFAS - News24
NSFAS criteria remains the same in 2016 - News 24
Govt to fund R4.5bn NSFAS shortfall - News 24
Sierra Leone implements Ebola vaccination programme - Business Day Live
Denmark passes controversial bill to seize assets and valuables from refugees - The Washington Post
Bifocal economy at the root of SA’s structural inequality - Business Day Live
SA worst-hit in Africa with dramatic decline in foreign direct investment - Business Day Live
Cheap oil: boon for some, bust for others - Times Live
Kenya to lead African growth story in 2016 - Moneyweb
The Islamic State’s strategy to cause death and destruction in Europe - The Washington Post
January turning into 'Janu-worry'? - Fin24
10 things you should know about new tax laws in South Africa - BusinessTech
South Africa Raises Key Rate to 6.75% - tradingeconomics.com
Netflix arrives in South Africa!
Should you wish to read Current Awareness guides of previous years, visit the Archive.
If you are looking for 2015's forthcoming conferences, the following websites are helpful:
This month's peer-reviewed articles of choice are:
Reappraising Competing Dominant Logics for African Business Research
Dadzie, Kofi Q. 2013. Reappraising competing dominant logics for African business research. Journal of African Business, Vol 14 (1), 1 - 6.
Strengths and weaknesses of business research methodologies: two disparate case studies
Zivkovic, Jelena. 2012. Strengths and weaknesses of business research methodologies: two disparate case studies. Business Studies Journal, Vol. 4 (2), 91-99.
To access thes articles, use Find e-journals to locate the Journal of African Business or Business Studies Journal in EBSCOHOST's Business Source Complete. This database is password controlled: Unisa staff members will be prompted to enter their Network username and password, and Unisa students will be prompted to enter their student number and myUnisa password.