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Muckleneuk Branch: Library Services

unisa library training and events

Photocopying and Printing Services

Photocopiers operate on student / staff (permit card) cards at a cost of 81c per black & white copy. The photocopying and printing in the library can be processed on level 4 of the library. You will need to load money on your staff/student card using the Icam machine which are available on level 4 photocopying and printing section of the library.  The print-out are processed from the computers on level 3 - Information desk and then collected from level 4.  After loading money onto your card, you only need to swipe your card through the card reader attached to a machine to enable you to make photocopies.  Please be aware that there are copyright restrictions on photocopying large amounts of material.

Unisa Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism Policy (PDF)

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