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Strategy-as-Practice: Resources to prepare an Expression-of-Interest Essay

Provides relevant information and training help for Unisa Business Management postgraduate students


This page offers access to a range of relevant articles to assist you with preparing your essay required with an application to the master’s and doctoral studies within the Strategy-as-Practice research focus area. All these items are Open Access.

You do not have to be a registered Unisa student to access these articles

Reading List

Appleyard, M.M. and Chesbrough, H.W., 2017. The dynamics of open strategy: from adoption to reversionLong Range Planning50(3), pp.310-321.

Jarzabkowski, P., Kavas, M. and Krull, E. (2021) ‘It’s Practice. But is it Strategy? Reinvigorating strategy-as-practice by rethinking consequentiality’, Organization Theory. doi: 10.1177/26317877211029665.

Kohtamäki, M, Whittington, R, Vaara, E & Rabetino, R. 2021. Making connections: harnessing the diversity of strategy-as-practice research. International Journal of Management Reviews. 1–23.

MacKay, B, Chia, R & Nair, AK. 2021. Strategy-in-Practices: A process philosophical approach to understanding strategy emergence and organizational outcomes. Human Relations. 74(9):1337–1369.

Mamburu, M.E., de Metz, N. and Davis, A., 2024. Exploring middle manager’s identity as strategists within a public sector organisation: a multi-level perspectiveJournal of Strategy and Management.

Maritz, R. & du Toit, A. 2018. The practice turn within strategy: Competitive intelligence as integrating practiceSouth African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 21(1): a2059.

Samson, S., Williamson, C. & Davis, A., 2022. Managerial Survival: Middle Manager Sense-Making during Organisational Change. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning11.

Vorwerk Marren, I., Davis, A & Williamson, CM. (2024) Strategizing for survival – enablers of South African not-for-profit organization sustainability, Cogent Business & Management, 11:1,

Xaba, L., le Roux, C. & Davis, A., 2023. Migrating from disruption to consensus: Middle manager experiences with organisational changeJournal of Contemporary Management20(1), pp.376-403.

Whittington, R., Vaara, E. & Rabetino, R. Making connections: Harnessing the diversity of strategy-as-practice research. International Journal of Management Reviews. 2021;1–23.

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