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Agriculture & Animal Health: Home

This subject guide provides access to the Unisa Library's key resources relevant to the fields of Agriculture, Animal Health and related sciences.


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Due to contractual and licencing agreements, access to some content may be restricted to the Unisa community.

Inclusion in this LibGuide does not imply University or Library endorsement of the ideas expressed.

Quick links to Databases

Database of the Month

Nature Index

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Subject Guide

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Leslie Dr Adriaanse

218 Science Library
Unisa Science Campus
+27 11 471 2301

Copyright Notice

In accordance with the Unisa Policy for copyright infringement and plagiarism, you are personally accountable for respecting copyright and licensing requirements. Violation of any of these restrictions could result not only in the loss of your own access to the information resources, but in the loss of access for the entire Unisa community. Disciplinary action may also be taken in terms of any applicable policy or disciplinary code, for example, the Unisa Student's Disciplinary Code.

Access to Library resources via OpenAthens

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance access to online resources, we are in the process of implementing OpenAthens. While "UNISA" may currently appear as an option under the "Login through your organization" section on certain platforms, please be aware that OpenAthens has not yet been fully activated for UNISA.

In the meantime, we request that you continue accessing resources via the official Unisa website to ensure seamless access. Logging in directly through OpenAthens will result in an unsuccessful login.

For any inquiries or assistance, please send an e-mail to

We appreciate your patience and will notify you once the implementation is complete.”


e-Books @ Unisa


Renewals may be done via library catalogue, telephone (+ 27 12 4294164)  and at the lending desk.

Postgraduate students may loan 16 books.

Undergraduate students may loan 8 books.

Overdue books will be subject to a fine.

Recommended Books

Prescribed books need to be purchased by the student. Limited copies are housed in the Unisa libraries and may be borrowed, subject to each branch library's lending regulation. A list of Unisa's official booksellers may be found on myUNISA .

Recommended books may be loaned from the library. Type your module code into the text box provided to locate your recommended book(s).

Course Code Search

New Books - Agricultural Science

E-Book databases

New Books - Agriculture

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Find e-books

Print Books

Search the library catalogue

When searching for books on the library catalogue you may use the drop down menu for title, author, keyword and subject searches. 

Advanced Keyword Search

Google Books

Google Book Search

New books - Animal Life

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Journal Articles

A-Z database list @ Unisa


Many of the databases contains a combination of full-text and bibliographic references.

If the full-text of the article is not available from the database, make a printout of the bibliographic references and then use 'Find e-journals' to see if the journal that the article was published in is available in electronic format in one of our other databases.

Should the journal not be available electronically use the library catalogue to request the article.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Subject Databases

Full text articles and references to articles on particular topics may be found using the subject databases.

Find e-Journals

Find e-Reserves

Course Code Search

Open Access Journals

Theses and Dissertations


Dissertations are useful for identifying research opportunities.

Very useful for generating reading lists.

Theses and dissertation related websites

South African


Reference Sources


Print resources on the reference shelves have to be consulted in the library. 

Copies of chapters or entries can be made in the photocopy section on level 4 of the library.

e-Reference Sources

Print References Sources

Advanced Keyword Search

Open Access Reference Resources

Internet Sites


Be careful when selecting information from websites as this information can be added by anyone.

Information from subject databases is more reliable than internet sites.

Social Networking sites


Newspapers @ Unisa

Quick Links


The following newspapers are available on microfilm in the Audio-visual Collection on level 4 of the Main Library:

  • Argus (Cape)
  • Beeld
  • Burger
  • Cape Times
  • Natal Mercury
  • New Nation
  • Pretoria News
  • Star

Contact number : +27 12 429-3209

South African

Search South African news articles according to subjects


General Newspapers



Please confirm the referencing style with the academic staff member in charge of your research.

Some referencing methods have minor variations e.g. Harvard, Augmented Harvard and Harvard British Standard.

Be consistent when using a certain style.

Preventing plagiarism


Reference Management Software Tools

Plagarism Detection Software

Turnitin is a tool to used to check for plagiarism. A researcher's work is instantly checked for potential plagiarism by comparing it against the world's largest comparison database using pattern recognition algorithms.

Please contact your supervisor/ style leader to arrange for access.

Refer to the Unisa Policy for Copyright Infringement & Plagiarism for further information

Free plagiarism software

10 free plagiarism checkers:

Research Support

New Books on Research Methodology

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Plagiarism is considered to be academic dishonesty. Use a reference management software tool to cite other author's work.

If you need electronic access you can limit your search on the library catalogue to e-books.

Research Methodology Books For Agriculture and related sciences

Research Support Databases

Free Apps for Research

Open Educational Resources

Citation Analysis


E-resources with COVID-19 collections

OERs for Agriculture

Quality High Impact journals and Predatory Publishing

Laboratory protocols

Laboratory groups

Protocol groups sharing and collaborating

Tutorials and guides to using Current Protocols and Cochrane Library

Books for Laboratory Protocols

Subject Databases: Laboratory protocols

New videos in Journal of Visualized Experiments

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Sustainable Development

Unisa Libguides for Sustaibable Development

Unisa resources in support of SDG related manuscripts

Unisa E-resources with focus on Sustainable Development

Keeping up to date with your research in your discipline

Keeping up to date with your research

Doing research involves locating and accessing relevant information and data from various information and literature resources. However, conducting a literature search on the various information e-resources and databases involves two steps. The first step allows the researcher to conduct a comprehensive search on various e-resources and databases to locate and access the relevant literature for your research retrospective to present. The second step allows you to source and locate possible relevant information for your research on the various e-resources and databases by creating alert based on the current search / previous searches you have conducted. Creating alerts will ensure that the e-resource / database sends you an e-mail alerting you of new literature which is based on your alert, is published. This step is particularly helpful in eliminating the need to re-do searches regularly to see if new literature has been published that is relevant on your research.

There are generally three types of alerts available to the researcher to use and the availability of the alert depends on the functionality of the e-resource / database that you are conducting your literature search on:

  • Table of Contents (TOC) Alerts -- Receive the table of contents of the most recent issue of a specific journal(s). It is one of the best ways of keeping up to date with the latest articles, current research, and publishing trends in your field.
  • Search Alerts -- Search alerts are set up to provide automatic e-mail notification whenever new search results become available in a database (author's publication, keywords, or other search criteria). You will be able to connect to the citation, download the citation, and full text (when available) from the alert
  • Citation Alerts -- Be notified when someone cites a specific article


Catalytic Niche Areas

Unisa's catalytic niche focus areas

Unisa Catalytic Niche Focus Areas

Unisa introduced 10 New Catalytic Niche Areas of research and engaged scholarship which are increasingly becoming spaces of much needed innovation in the university, the country and the continent at large accessible at link

The Catalytic Niche Areas with interest to the College    Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES) include:

Marine Studies

Natural Sciences (Biotechnological Studies)

Health /Medicine

This website will highlight the e-resources and database collections in support of the catalytic niche areas.

Health / Medicine

Natural Sciences (Biotechnological Studies)

Marine Studies