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EBA (Evidence-Based Acquisition): Home

This guide describes the new Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA) subscriptions available at Unisa Library

EBA (Evidence-Based Acquisition)

Unisa have agreements with the following Publishers: Cambridge, SpringerNature and Taylor & Francis to supply the Unisa library with a broader range of eBook titles for their research needs. This agreement is called Evidence Based Acquisitions (EBA).  

You will get access to these eBooks for a specific period as negotiated with the publishing house. The period could range from six to twelve months and after the period the library will analyse the usage statistics and select titles according to the needs of the users and according to the value of the pre-determined fee negotiated with the publishing house.

EBA eBooks available to access on EBA

EBA eBook Agreements

Collection Content Copyright year Access title Pool Publication Finder Expire
Cambridge eBooks Full Collection 35,000 yes September 2024
Cambridge Law Reports Full Collection   yes September 2024
Cambridge Shakespeare Full Collection   yes September 2024
Cambridge Textbooks Full Collection   yes September 2024
SpringerLink eBooks  2019, 2020,2021,2022,2023 and 2024 30,000 yes  July 2025
Taylor & Francis eBooks  2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 28,000 yes September 2024


EBA eBook Benefits

EBA (Evidence Based Acquisition) provides library users access to an extensive range of content easily, efficiently, and affordably. It allows librarians to align budget spend with demonstrated need based on raw usage data. Selection of content is directly based on yearly user engagement.

How does EBA work?