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eBooks @ Unisa Library: Getting started with eBooks

A guide on finding and using eBooks in the Unisa Library

What is an eBook?

Electronic books, or eBooks, are the digital version of traditional books. The content of these books is in digital format and requires specific software to interpret and display it for the readers. This software is usually seamlessly embedded in the eBook, making it easy to read on a computer screen or handheld device. At Unisa, staff and students have access to various eBooks, some purchased individually, while others are part of packages or collections. 

Why use eBooks

  • Access 24/7 from on and off campus with Internet access. 
  • Search the Library Catalogue to trace print & electronic books
  • You don't need to physically be at the library to view electronic books.
  • They cannot be lost or stolen
  • The reader can search the entire text of a book and easily find the exact section of the book that is needed.
  • In many cases unlimited numbers of users can access the same book at the same time
  • No fines for overdue books
  • eBooks offer a range of customization features that enhance the reading experience
  • They are environmentally friendly. 
  • eBooks can be read on many devices e.g. PC, tablet, smart phone

Things to keep in mind about eBooks

  • Due to contractual and licensing agreements, access to some content may be restricted to the Unisa community.
  • Not all books are available in eBook format.  
  • Most library eBook collections are presented in formats intended for viewing in a browser on a computer. 
  • Due to our licensing agreements with publishers, some eBooks in our collections are limited to one user at a time.
  • Typically, eBook files will be in either PDF or ePub format. PDF files don’t adapt well to various-sized displays and devices; therefore, it is difficult to view some PDF files on small screens that come with smartphones, tablets, and eBook readers.  ePub is the preferred eBook file format as the text reflows to fit the screen's dimensions.

eBooks and copyright

eBooks are protected by copyright laws just like print material. According to the Unisa Policy for copyright infringement and plagiarismyou are responsible for adhering to copyright and licensing requirements. Violating these rules could lead to losing access to information resources for both you and the entire Unisa community. It may also result in disciplinary action in accordance with policies such as the Unisa Student's Disciplinary Code.


eBook selection guidelines

What do we buy?

  • eBooks that are available for institutional access only
  • eBooks purchased directly from the publishers have fewer restrictions on usage
  • eBooks available through aggregators e.g. EBSCOHost and ProQuest eBook Central
  • eBooks that are available from publishers e.g. SpringerNature, Cambridge Universiy Press etc.

What don't we buy?

  • eBooks that are considered e-textbooks by publishers are not sold to libraries.
  • eBooks that are available as single downloads to a single workstation/device.
  • eBooks that require individual usernames and passwords to access.
  • The Unisa Library does not buy eBooks on behalf of users for personal use.
  • All books ordered by the Unisa Library remain the property of the library and are subject to the licensing conditions for eBooks.