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This subject guide provides access to the Library's key resources relevant to the field of Geography.
Explore the different resources and contact your librarian if you need any assistance.
Full text ebooks in social science and humanities published by Bloomsbury.
Fashion Business Cases contains case studies from the fashion industry and presents real-world cases on challenges facing the business of fashion, tackling issues such as sustainability, technology, ethics and leadership.
Offering a full-size range of high exceptional content from scholarly studies, research and reference sources to iconic pics and market-leading textbooks products accessible on the Bloomsbury Fashion Central platform are beneficial for teachers and college students within the visual arts, humanities, and social sciences.
This database covers topic on Anthropology, art history, sociology, geography, folklore, museum studies, theater, cultural studies, fashion, costume, dress and textiles.
Bloomsbury Video Library has an international range of content across the visual arts and performing arts, film, history, and more, this collection features exclusive indie films and shorts, avant-garde performances, interviews with renowned writers, artists, choreographers, performers and practitioners, documentaries on an international range of themes, traditions, and historical figures, and much more.
Due to contractual and licencing agreements, access to some content may be restricted to the Unisa community.
Inclusion in this LibGuide does not imply University or Library endorsement of the ideas expressed.
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