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Sustainability Marketing & Sustainable Businesses
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
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Sustainability Marketing & Sustainable Businesses: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
This lib guide provides compilation of various resources in the areas issues related to business and sustainability.
Sustainability and Business
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Business, Stakeholders & Sustainable Development
Business & fair trade practices
Business & human right
Business performance on sustainability indicators
Governance & sustainability
Sustainability reporting
sustainability strategies for global firms
Businesses, sustainability & energy
Businesses, sustainability & water
Disaster Management
Waste management
Sustainability Marketing
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Green Marketing
Social Marketing
Sustainable Consumption
Green Consumers
Ethical Consumption
Green Building
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Housing & sustainability
Green built environment
Green technologies & materials
Smart & sustainable cities
Sustainable energy,water,waste,transport & communication systems
Sustainability in developing and emerging countries
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Sustainable living
Hyper and under consumption
Sustainability and public sector
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Public sector & sustainable development
Public sector & human right
Sustainability reporting
Public sector and sustainable energy initiatives
Public sector & water initiatives
Public sector & disaster management
Public sector & waste management
Society and marketing
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Cause-related marketing
Social justice & marketing
Social entrepreneurship and social business models
NGO's & sustainability
Natural environment and green marketing
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Green products & innovation
Green pricing
Green brands
Green consumers
Green supply chains
Green advertising & green washing
Green entrepreneurship
Sustainability in Supply Chains
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Green procurement
Green transportation/logistics
Reverse supply chain
Green Manufacturing/Green Operations
Sustainability marketers in Africa
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Reports and Associations
Predatory Journals
Research Integrity
Do you know all 17 SDGs?
United Nations
Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) 2023
Sustainable Development Goals
UN Global Impact and SDG's
UN SDG's Knowledge Platform
Why the SDG's important to Business?
Internet Sites
The relevance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for companies
A Principles-Based Approach to the SDGs – Why It Matters for Business
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a Great Gift to Business!
Sustainable development goals and business
Employers’ and business member organizations and sustainable development goals
Mining, materials, and the sustainable development goals (SDGs) : 2030 and beyond
The UN sustainable development goals for the textile and fashion industry
The future of the UN sustainable development goals : business perspectives for global development in 2030
Business and the sustainable development goals : measuring and managing corporate impacts
Sustainable development goals : harnessing business to achieve the SDGs through finance, technology and law reform
Sustainable development goals and integrated reporting
SDG Compass
The SDG's explained for business
United Nations Development System: What employers’ and business membership organizations need to know and how they should engage
SDG Business Hub
Sustainable Development Goals A business perspective
PWC -Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) - impact on business
BUSINESS AND THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: Best practices to seize opportunity and maximise credibility
SDG Business Index
SDG's an opportunity for Business
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
17 Top Companies working on the SDG's
Open Educational Resources
SDG Academy
Digital Learning for Sustainable Development
Africa and the SDG's
African Development Bank and the SDG's
United Nations South Africa SDG's
SDG Center for Africa
African Union-Linking Agenda 2063 and the SDGs
South Africa SDG Index
The South African SDG Hub
Statssa Sustainable Development Goals: Country report 2019
National Framework for Sustainable Development
Sustainability marketers in Africa
Reports and Associations >>