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Unisa's Partner Public Libraries: Lifelong Learning

This guides provides information and resources relevant to the Unisa Public Partner Libraries who serve Unisa students as well as members in their community

What is Lifelong Learning

Libraries play a vital role in lifelong learning.

Lifelong learning is about the being the BEST you can be !   It is all too easy in the hustle and bustle of daily life,to simply neglect to make time to pursue new interests, let go of outmoded ideas, and pushing your thinking into new directions.  

What exactly is lifelong learning?  

It is the "... ongoing, voluntary and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons... it not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development, but also self-sustainability, RATHER THAN competitiveness and employability"  (Source)


Credit: Brian Tracey

The Public Library and Lifelong Learning

"...the goal of the public library is to help its users to live a good life, or at least as good a life as possible.” This concept covers all the goals of library service searching information for learning, work and other spheres of life, hobbies, cultural experiences and recreation.  Source: Lifelong learning, libraries and living a good life

See how the public library contributes to this concept:

Take a look at some videoclips to get an idea on how public libraries contribute and are vital to lifelong learning.

The work being done in Africa is especially inspirational. 

See more initiatives under the section Reading Groups / Clubs in this guide