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Unisa's Partner Public Libraries: Makerspaces & Hackerspaces

This guides provides information and resources relevant to the Unisa Public Partner Libraries who serve Unisa students as well as members in their community

Make it at your Library

What is a Makerspace and a Hackerspace

A makerspace is "... a collaborative work space inside a school, library or separate public/private facility for making, learning, exploring and sharing that uses high tech to no tech tools."  

Read more at:  7 things you should know about makerspaces

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A "hackerspace" is similar to a "makerspace" but often is a place outside the library. 

Wikipedia defines a hackerspace “as a community-operated workspace where people with common interests, often in computers, technology, science and digital art can meet, socialize and collaborate.”   Those are also the same characteristics you will find in a makerspace.   

Read more at:  Is it a Hackerspace, Mackerspace, TechShop, or FabLab?    and also Hackerspaces


In South Africa, the following makerspaces are inspirational and remarkable.  Take a look:

Do these spaces add value to libraries ?

Jennifer Velasquez, Coordinator of teen services for the San Antonio Public Library (Texas, U.S.) says

 "....Teen library programming and services that include use of a MakerSpace or equipment associated with a MakerSpace provide 21st century skills that contribute to new forms of literacy which include exposure to various types of technology, problem solving and collaboration skills. Much of the literature on the maker movement offers practical guides for design and implementation of MakerSpaces, including tools, technology, projects, and kits, as well as advice for libraries in the beginning stages of planning the physical layout of a MakerSpace."   Read more at MakerSpaces: new tradition in context 

Take some time-out, have a cup of tea or coffee and see what other libraries are doing!