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Unisa Institutional Repository (UnisaIR): Copyright

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Copyright of the Unisa Institutional Repository content

All items in the Unisa Institutional Repository are subjected to copyright. 

Theses and Dissertations: Authors (students) are the copyright owners of Unisa theses and dissertations, but the Intellectual Property belongs to Unisa. Students must grant the Unisa with non-exclusive distribution rights to disseminate theses and dissertation via UnisaIR, an open access digital archive.

Research OutputsThe copyright of published research outputs could vest with the publisher or author depending on the agreement. According to the Unisa Intellectual Property Policy a copy of all publications emanating from Unisa IP shall be deposited in the Unisa Institutional Repository for Archiving. (Paragraph 10.2.5). It is the responsibility of Unisa authors and researchers to publish research outputs in the UnisaIR, but they should abide by archiving policies and copyright regulations of the different copyright owners, for example publishers. The Library is offering training and guidance with regard to copyright issues and the submission process by means of group and individual sessions

Theses and Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations: Authors (students) are the copyright owners of Unisa theses and dissertations, but the Intellectual Property belongs to Unisa. Students must grant the Unisa with non-exclusive distribution rights to disseminate theses and dissertation via UnisaIR, an open access digital archive.

Research Outputs

Research OutputsThe copyright of published research outputs could vest with the publisher or author depending on the agreement. According to the Unisa Intellectual Property Policy a copy of all publications emanating from Unisa IP shall be deposited in the Unisa Institutional Repository for Archiving. (Paragraph 10.2.5). It is the responsibility of Unisa authors and researchers to publish research outputs in the UnisaIR, but they should abide by archiving policies and copyright regulations of the different copyright owners, for example publishers. The Library is offering training and guidance with regard to copyright issues and the submission process by means of group and individual sessions

Resources to assist authors with copyright

See more information under Research Outputs