Avoid secondary resourcing as far as possible. Only reference the source that you physically used.
When the source you are using cites information by other authors, you wish to mention without consulting the original sources, indicate clearly that the author of your source cites this information, for example: ... the principles according to Baker, Crocker and Algina, and Hambleton and Swaminathan (as cited in Wolfaardt, 1990) are ...
In the reference list you would mention only Wolfaardt (1990), the article you read, and not the other three references, you did not read. Also, omit the dates of sources you did not consult.
Avoid excessive use of this type of citation; rather consult the original source if applicable, especially in the case of a thesis or dissertation.
Your entry in the reference list in this case would be:
Wolfaardt, J. B. (1990). Achievement test item analysis: A comparison of traditional and modern methods. South African Journal of Psychology, 20(4), 282-286.
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IPSHONT Tutorial letter 301/4/2017