The Unisa Library's homepage contains resources pertaining to research.
The library catalogue describes all the Library’s resources and this includes books, journal articles, theses and dissertations, conference proceedings, reports and other material available in print, film, audio or digital formats. You can use the Catalogue to search for items, request article and books, and to view and renew your material. The library catalogue is also available as an APP on Google Play and the App Store.
The Unisa Library subscribes to many valuable electronic subject databases which all registered students and staff can access. They contain bibliographic references to academic, peer-reviewed journal articles, theses, books, chapters in books and conference papers. Many of the databases also contain full-text articles which can be viewed, printed and downloaded but because they are commercially produced, some of the material may not be available in the library
The E-Publication Finder is used to identify if a particular journal is available in full text in one of the databases to which the library subscribes. Searches may be done by journal title or subject.
The library does not subscribe to every electronic journal and therefore may not have the journal you are seeking. In this case, you should use the Article Requests link via the library catalogue to request the item you need.
The Unisa Institutional Repository contains the research output of Unisa.
In order to search the electronic information resources and the library’s catalogue, off-campus users need to
Please consult the following LibGuide: Library Technology Support
The solutions we recommend might involve changing some of the security settings on your computer. Please note that the configuration of individual computers and/or Internet browsers may affect their ability to transfer and display information correctly.
It is entirely up to you whether you prefer to save these changes once you have finished searching the Library's information resources.
You will need to register a myUnisa password in order to use any of the library’s online request services and to gain access to its electronic resources. This will enable you to
You will be prompted to provide your myUnisa password and student number whenever you want to access any of the library’s services or resources.
Please use the following contact details if you have any problems or queries about your myUnisa password.