There are many ways to find journals articles in the Library:
Items can be saved by placing them into the Save Item Folder next to every article
Items can be e-mailed individually using the envelope icon or if they the saved option has been used, a number of them can be e-mailed directly from the main saved folder (look for the saved folder on the top right hand side of the page next to English)
Individual items can be exported directly to certain Reference Management Tools (e.g. RefWorks) by clicking on the set of dots (ellipsis) or going through the main saved folder.
Sabinet African Journals is the most comprehensive database of South African and African publications. Another database with is very useful is African Journals Online but free registration is required. Most databases however has South African content. To search for these you can use the keyword "South Africa" to retrieve them.
The e-Publication finder can be used when you know the name of a publication. Enter the name of the journal, e-book etc in the Title begins with search box and then click on Search.
The results will bring out the journal and in which databases it is held. This allows you to search the journal for more articles by using the relevant database. Otherwise just insert the the title of the article within the search inside this journal search box to go directly to the article.
The e-Publicationl Finder allows you to search for a specific electronic journal or an electronic article. Use the e-Publication Finder only when you are looking for a specific journal title, or if you have a specific reference to an article.
Remember, the Library’s collection of electronic databases is the primary resource for finding information related to your topic based on your keywords.
The e-Publication Finder link is available from the Library homepage .
By linking the library holdings to Google Scholar, you will be able to see the availability without having to pay.
When you perform a search after this, the UNISA Library link will appear next to items that the Library subscribes to. Click on UNISA Library to access the full-text.