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Formatting Your Dissertation (or Thesis): Seeking Feedback and Peer Review

Seek Peer Review or Critical Reader prior to submitting to your supervisor

  1. Identify the Right Reviewers: Choose individuals who have relevant expertise in your field and are familiar with the academic expectations of your dissertation or thesis. Seek feedback from your advisor, faculty members, colleagues, or other researchers who can provide constructive criticism and valuable insights.

  2. Clearly Define Your Objectives: Clearly communicate your objectives and the specific areas on which you would like feedback. Be specific about the aspects you would like reviewers to focus on, such as the clarity of your arguments, organization, methodology, or writing style.

  3. Provide Sufficient Context: When sharing your work for review, provide sufficient context about your research objectives, methodology, and any specific challenges you encountered. This will help reviewers better understand your work and provide targeted feedback.

  4. Be Open to Constructive Criticism: Approach feedback with an open mind and a willingness to revise and improve your work. Embrace constructive criticism and view it as an opportunity to enhance the quality and impact of your research.

  5. Actively Engage in Discussions: When receiving feedback, ask clarifying questions and engage in discussions with reviewers. Seek further explanation or examples when needed to fully understand the feedback provided. This dialogue can lead to deeper insights and help you identify areas for improvement.

  6. Revise and Iterate: Use the feedback received to revise and refine your dissertation or thesis. Take the time to address the comments and suggestions from reviewers, making appropriate changes to strengthen your work.

  7. Peer Review Exchanges: Consider participating in peer review exchanges or workshops with other students or researchers in your field. This reciprocal process allows for the exchange of feedback, with you providing feedback on others' work in return for feedback on yours. This can broaden your perspectives and improve your critical evaluation skills.

  8. Seek Multiple Perspectives: Don't limit yourself to a single reviewer. Seek feedback from multiple sources to obtain a range of perspectives and insights. This helps you identify recurring issues and obtain a well-rounded assessment of your work.

  9. Respect Reviewer Expertise: Value and appreciate the time and effort reviewers invest in providing feedback. Be respectful and receptive to their suggestions and acknowledge their contributions in your acknowledgments section, if appropriate.

  10. Time Management: Plan ahead and provide sufficient time for reviewers to review your work. Avoid last-minute submissions that may limit the opportunity for in-depth feedback.