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CEMS Harvard Referencing Style: Dissertations and Theses


When referring to an unpublished dissertation or thesis, the name of the relevant degree, the name of the university that awarded the degree and the location of the university (even if the name of the location forms part of the name of the university) are given, instead of the place of publication and the name of the publisher.

Dissertations and Theses

Author’s surname, initials. Year of completion. Title. Unpublished Degree name. Name of institution, Place.


Durie, A.D. 2017. Marketing Strategies of Textile Companies: The Case of Selected Medium and Large Ethiopian Textile Companies. Unpublished DBL Thesis. University of South Africa, Pretoria.


Add Location field

Author’s surname, initials. Year of completion. Title. Unpublished Degree name. Name of institution, Place. Available at: URL [Accessed: day month year].



Milanzi, S.A. 2021. Inclusive Growth, Innovation and Economic Development in South Africa: An Empirical Analysis. Unpublished PhD (Economics). University of Limpopo, Pietersburg. Available at: [Accessed: 9 January 2022].