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CEMS Harvard Referencing Style: Unisa Study Guides and Lecture Notes


Unisa study guides are published works.

How to reference different types of study material

Mamaregane, F. 2022. Accounting for managers: Study guide for PBA4807. Midrand: University of South Africa.


Unisa (University of South Africa). 2022. Value-based management: Study guide for MBA5901. Midrand: Graduate School of Business Leadership.


Study guide with an author

Study guide without an author 

Add a full stop after (University of South Africa) before submitting your document.


This is any material provided by lecturers during a class or lecture.


Author’s surname, initials. Year. Title (in italics). Description of format. Course name and code. University, delivered date of lecture.


Naughton, S. 2018. Seminar 7: Transforming Organisations: Strategy, Structure & Design. Lecture notes. Organisation Change Management BMO6624.Victoria University, delivered 21 May 2018.